Love of Fashion



(Inc. items from the NW Blogger Meet-Up)

Marks and Spencer

Coat: Topshop / Shirt and Boots: Marks and Spencer / Scarf: H&M / Belt: New Look

I've done a couple of these 'what's in my bag' posts now because frankly I swap and change bags so often, that the things that I carry along with me changes frequently too- especially according to the occasion. So, since i've already done a Summer and Winter version, this time it's all about the essential things that I carry around uni with me on a daily basis! 

I don't want my bag to be too heavy when i've got to walk around campus so I tend to (attempt anyway) keep it fairly light. My absolute essentials for uni are my memory stick, whichever book I'm reading that week for tutorials and a pen and highlighter to make notes inside the book as I go along. Alongside all that, I also carry a few beauty essentials; lip salve (canNOT live without), my favourites at the moment are the ones I got at the NW Blogger Meet-Up from Sweet Cecily's and Balmi- they both smell so delish- because I tend to wear some form of lipstick everyday they are essential when I'm out all day for making sure my lips don't get too dry. Secondly, I also carry a lipstick! I am a FIRM believer in the motto that lipstick makes an outfit, for everyday I tend to stick to a fairly neutral nude colour like this Max Factor one. 

Yeah you spotted them- sunglasses! It's starting to get sunnier now and I am loving it, I can't say i've worn them yet but they are in my bag ready and rearing to go alongside my normal glasses for lectures. And..... finally.... a notepad, how cute is this lil one from Busy B? Not only is it easy for jotting general ideas down, they also tear out so once you've completed your list for the day/week (I wouldn't survive without a list) you can throw it away and forget you ever had to do those horrible chores! 

What do you carry with you daily? Let me know in the comments below! 

Ella x


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